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Home Inspection

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Prices & Specials


$100 Off PLUS a Chance to
(Read Prices & Specials for details)


A Referral from you to your friends would be greatly appreciated



Not-for-profit organizations.
State or Government agencies
Professional Companies

Negotiable prices for high volume inspections


Special Discounts for properties located in:

Farmingdale, NY
Massapequa, NY
Levittown, NY
Amityville, NY
Babylon, NY
Lindenhurst, NY
Ridgewood, NY
Sunnyside, NY
Woodside, NY


Other related business owners networking proposals always welcome



Preventive Maintenance is the Best Cure…

Is the home safe for you and your family to live in it? Are all systems and components of the home in good functioning condition now? Is there any probability of repairs or replacements of costly components in the near future and approximately what kind of life expectancy do they have? Very few people have the comprehensive education and training to make an adequate evaluation of all major systems and components of a home.


An average 1500 – 1800 sq. ft., about 50-70 yrs. old home inspection regular starting price is $450 (including termite inspection and free extras) Limited time ONLY $350 when you mention code 008

Please read special internet promotions below or call for additional information. Call for special pricing regarding smaller (co-ops, condos, etc) or larger (over 1800 sq. ft) homes, high volume or commercial inspections.
Not-for-Profit Organizations, or homes located in special geographical areas, call for special pricing.

Please call 516-851-5833 for a free quote. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices must be paid cash or check at the time and date of the inspection.

Special Internet promotions:

$100 off any home inspection- $450
Limit first 200 inspections of the year 2008 only
Just mention code
when you book your inspection
Every home inspection (FREE) ONLY $1 - $450 125
Limit first 200 inspections of the year 2008 only
Just mention code
when you book your inspection
ONLY $350

Example: Each inspection I perform has a consecutive number. Every 25th inspection that will be number 25, 50, 75,etc., after being performed and completed …SURPRISE… any and all payments received will be refunded to the client at the end of the inspection except $1 for my time and effort. No inspection # can be disclosed until after the payment is received and the inspection is performed and completed.

FREE Termite inspection included with every home inspection (unless if booked separately)

CIHPP- Certified Inspector Home Protection Program- COMING SOON
All prices, specials and free items limited time only and subject to change without notice, cannot be combined with any other offers, all discounts of the regular price and free items subject to availability.

For additional information, disclosures, availability and limitations, please call Tommy at (516) 851-5833 or e-mail

In return...I need your help. I receive most of my business through heartfelt referrals from people like you. Please don't keep me a secret and refer my high quality inspection services to real estate professionals, your family, friends or work associates.
My goal is to build a life long relationship one person at a time...starting with you!

With sincere appreciation- Tommy

*All included items while supplies last, subject to change without notice.

Buying or Selling a House?

Professional Certified Home Inspector Tommy (Decebal Adamescu), HomeSpector Inc. (member of American Society of Home Inspectors) accommodates all of your home inspection and termite inspection requirements.

UNBEATABLE PRICES, serving all of Long Island 7 days a week 8:00 am-8:00 pm.

Call now to book an inspection 516-851-5833

or email

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